22 October 2018

Deutsch 2 Hausaufgaben: 26.9.19

Hallo, Schüler!

Die Hausaufgaben für heute:

1- schau die Folge von "Captain Planet" (below)

2-schreib ein "Paragraph lite" (3-5 Sätze) über die Folge, auf Deutsch, PAST TENSE. Skip lines. Turn in when you get to class DONNERSTAG. If you're going to miss your class period, bring it BEFORE SCHOOL.


(Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to this video, and it is being used for instructional purposes.)

06 October 2018

Wo ist Frau Smith: Ein Gewinnspiel

When you get to school on Monday, you'll find that I've gone, if you didn't already know. This week, as I'm able, I'm going to post pictures of myself out and about in...


follow along and guess in the comments. The two Schüler/Schülerinnen with the most correct guesses gets a prize when I return.

Rules: guess only once per photo, include first name only. German names for 2-4. First correct response gets the credit, and no guesses considered after I post the answer/winner, even if no one guessed correctly.

Viel Spaß und ich drücke euch die Daumen!


Also.. wo bin ich?